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How to get relief from plantar fasciitis ( heel pain ).

Your foot has thick, fibrous band of tissue (''fascia'') reaching from your heel to your toes. These tissues support the muscles and arch of the foot. When they’re overly stretched, tiny tears can occur in their surface. This can cause pain and inflammation. And this condition is called plantar fasciitis.

In this post we will find out some really effective ways of how to get relief from plantar fasciitis.

Plantar Fasciitis Exercises

Plantar fasciitis is usually a self treatable condition and can be altered by doing some stretching exercises. Below are some exercises you can follow :

Toe Curls With Towel

  1. Place a small towel on the floor. Using involved foot, curl towel toward you, using only your toes. Relax.
  2.  Repeat 10 times, 1-2 times per day.

Toe Extension

  1.  Sit with involved leg crossed over uninvolved leg. Grasp toes with one hand and bend the toes and ankle upwards as far as possible to stretch the arch and calf muscle. With the other hand, perform deep massage along the arch of your foot.
  2. Hold 10 seconds. Repeat for 2-3 minutes. Repeat 2-4 sessions per day

Towel Stretch

The towel stretch is effective at reducing morning pain if done before getting out of bed.
  1.  Sit with involved leg straight out in front of you. Place a towel around your foot and gently pull toward you, feeling a stretch in your calf muscle.
  2.  Hold 45 seconds, 2-3 times. Repeat 4-6 times per day. 

Arch Roll

  1.  Use a foot roller on your affected leg back and forth.
  2.  Repeat for 3-5 minutes, 2 times per day.

Plantar Fasciitis Shoes Supports

Using a Plantar Fasciitis Arch Support Sleeve Cushion while wearing any shoe will Provide gentle, targeted compression to the arch to make standing and walking comfortable, support the foot inside without over tightening, can be worn all day, washable and reusable. Or you can use silicon insole. Just place it inside your shoe to reduces the painful shock waves and lightens the load to feet, knees and the spine.

Use Night Splint For Reducing Plantar Fasciitis

Physical therapists and doctors might recommend that you wear a Night splint that stretches your calf and the arch of your foot while you sleep. This holds the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon in a lengthened position overnight and facilitates stretching.


So it can be concluded that heel pain is a common condition which, if taken proper measures, can be healed properly. And with in few days your foot will become normal. But don't forget to do the above mention strategies even if you are healed.

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  1. Nice article. Heel pain is usually caused by continual pressure or stress to the foot and can be extremely painful. Thanks for the information about Heel Pain Plantar Fasciitis condition. Wonderful information you have provided here. I would like to share this article at


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